Community Programs / Client Services

The Beacon of Hope with its small staff and dedicated volunteers attempts to assess the needs of the Greater Pine Island area and then meet these needs through our own efforts or by interactions with other groups and agencies. No is not an answer.

The office is open Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 9 am to 5 pm.

Nancy Cote, Executive Director   239-283-5123
[email protected]

What we offer


Case Managers to assist with:

Access (Medicare, Medicaid) applications and renewals
Bill payment assistance
Low-income utility assistance
County, State, and Federal Programs
Resiliency needs – assessment with case manager required

Community Committees:

Wellness Committee
Health and Wellness Classes
Wellness Articles
Home and Client Assessment

Community Programs:

Beacon Bites-Deliver meals daily to seniors and the disabled.
Beacon Buggy: Transportation to medical appointments and treatments.
Samaritan Health and Wellness is a primary care clinic for those with no insurance or who are underinsured.
AARP Tax Preparation
AARP low-income service employment training
Veteran’s Support Assistance- the first Friday morning of every month.
Pine Island Boy/Cub Scout Troop
Mental Health Counseling by appointment
Disaster preparedness and relief
PINE ISLAND CARES – meets every 3 months
Community Service hours site

Community Services:

Computers, fax and printers are available for use.

Email Us

Contact Form for Beacon of HOPE

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The Beacon of HOPE Pine Island Inc is a not-for-profit charity designated as tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code.

Florida Dept. of Agriculture & Consumer Services registration number CH18878

“A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the division of consumer services by calling 800-435-7352 toll-free within the state.

Registration does not imply endorsement approval or recommendation by the state”.